
Spencer Cowen
2 min readNov 17, 2020

Family really is everything to me. Having many people close to me that I love and can talk to is an amazing thing. Whether it is my parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins or grandparents, I know they are always there for me to help, and I am always there for them.

My favorite holiday of the year is Thanksgiving. This is for a variety of reasons, but number one is because I am with a lot of my family. It is great to catch with everybody in-person (maybe not as much this year due to the pandemic). Being around everybody really shows how thankful I am for all of them. There are sometimes some political disagreements that have to be shut down quickly, but that just adds to the fun :). We don’t just interact on Thanksgiving or other family occasions, we interact a lot on social media.

I would say that almost all of my family members are active on social media. Most of them are on Facebook. What Facebook has that other social medias has too is “memories” that pop up. They are usually reminding you that you posted or were “tagged” in this one, two, five, or even ten years ago! My mom, dad and aunt are very big on posting memories. When I go on and see them, it is very nice and relaxing to see. I may be a little stressed at the time, or feeling fine, but they just make me happy. It was very comforting to see these during the pandemic, when we were not able to see each other for a few months.

When I think of my Case Study on Jewish Lives Mattering, I do think of my family. My family is Jewish, and most are aware of the Anti-Semitism in our world today. Every time I discuss it with a family member(s), it reminds me that I am not the only one who sees it in our society. I do feel that many people aren’t aware of this issue. I will discuss more of this in my Case Study, but being able to have family who are just as passionate on an issue as you are is very reassuring and comforting. For some of my family, they don’t see the Anti-Semitism in the news that I see. It is usually because it is not on the “front page” of a website, which is how it goes sometimes. If somebody doesn’t see the hate in our society, I feel that I am definitely old and mature enough to educate on the manner. Whether it is somebody like my sister who is younger than me by a few years, or my oldest cousin who is twenty-eight. Educating people on this matter is very important to me: and that definitely includes family.

Family is a huge part of my life. They have all always been there for me and I will always do the same for them. They do indeed mean everything to me.

